Croque Knack sausages
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A croque of knack sausages (hot-dogs) with deliciously melted cheese and sweet-chili sauce



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Catégorie: Croque, Panini Lunch


Pour 4 Personnes


8 slice(s) Toastbread
8 Knack sausages, cut in half
8 slice(s) Cheese (Gouda, Beemster, ...)
1 Red onion
Sweet-chili sauce

Croque Knack sausages Instructions

  1. Cut a red onion into rings.
  2. Spread 8 slices of bread along 1 side with cooking butter.
  3. Top the ungreased side with knack sausages, cheese, sweet-chili and red onion.
  4. Place the other cuts of brrod on top with butter to the outside.
  5. Grill the croque's between a grill or croque machine.

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