Oven dish of potatoes leeks and smoked sausage
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Tasty winter dish of smoked sausage and leeks.


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Catégorie: Plat principal Porc Four


Pour 4 Personnes


500 g Potatoes, precooked.
250 g Smoked sausage
50 g grated Emmental
3 Leek
25 cl Cream
3 tbsp Milk
2 tsp Mustard with seeds
1 clove(s) Garlic

Oven dish of potatoes leeks and smoked sausage Instructions

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  2. Cut the leeks into half rings. Cut the smoked sausage into rings.
  3. Mix the cream with the milk, mustard and garlic (pressed).
  4. Boil the potatoes and then cut them into slices.
  5. Stew the leeks.
  6. Place the potatoes in an oven dish, season with salt and pepper, put the leeks on top. Spread the smoked sausage over the leeks. Pour the mustard sauce over it. Finish with the cheese.
  7. Place in the oven at 180 to 200°C +/- 20 to 25 min. depending on your oven.

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