Trio of salmon
Un peu chère

A delicious festive trio of dishes as an appetizer with salmon.

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Catégorie: Hors d'oeuvre Hans @ Saumon Ariane @ DeKookbijbel


Pour 8 Personnes

--- Toast Avocado & Smoked Salmon ---

8 Slice(s) Lumberjack bread (or other)
8 Slice(s) Smoked Salmon
1 Avocado
1 tbsp Sour Cream
1 dash Lime juice
Pepper and salt
Pink pepper balls
Parmesan shavings
roasted sesame seeds
roasted Pine nuts

--- Smoked salmon praline ---

8 slice(s) Smoked Salmon
200 g Philadelphia creamy cheese
1 tbsp Chives, chopped
1 tbsp Wasabi and Sesame Mix, Santa Maria
1 tsp Himalayan salt
Pepper of the mill
Pink pepper balls
Chives for decorationg

--- Salmon croquette ---

2 Salmon fillet (from which 8 pieces can be made)
Seafood & Fish Santa Maria seasoning

Trio of salmon Instructions

  1. Toast with avocado cream and mildly smoked salmon - Toast the bread slices. Mix the avocado with sour cream, salt and pepper, lime juice into a cream in a blender/mixer. When toasts are cooled spread with advocado mousse. Belgh with a slice of salmon and finish with the sesame seeds, pine nuts, chives, pink pepper and parmesan shavings.
  2. Salmon croquette - Cut the salmon into cubes and bread them (Flour with herbs, egg, panko). Fry them in peanut oil until crispy.
  3. Salmon praline - Mix the philadelpia with the herbs, chives, pepper and Himalya salt. Make with a slice of salmon a praline filled with the cream cheese. decorate with pink pepper balls and chives.

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